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Another excellent featurette from MovieClips. Check it out.

Synopsis: Eight years after the Joker's reign of anarchy, Batman, with the help of the enigmatic Catwoman, is forced from his exile to save Gotham City from the brutal guerrilla terrorist Bane.

Director: Christopher Nolan
Writers: Jonathan Nolan (screenplay), Christopher Nolan (screenplay) | 3 more credits »
Stars: Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway

The film is produced by Emma Thomas, Christopher Nolan and Charles Roven, who previously teamed on "Batman Begins" and the record-breaking blockbuster "The Dark Knight."

The executive producers are Benjamin Melniker, Michael E. Uslan, Kevin De La Noy and Thomas Tull, with Jordan Goldberg serving as co-producer.


Sean Adames...stunts

Vanessa Alameda...stunt performer (as Tony Alameda)

Charlie Alejandro...stunt performer

Gordon Alexander...stunt performer

Monique Allen...stunt office coordinator

Tim Ambridge...stunt rigger

Roy T. Anderson...stunt performer

Ramon Antonio...precision driver

Airon Armstrong...stunt performer

Georgina Armstrong...stunt performer (as Georgie Rawlings) / stunt performer

Gary Arthurs...stunt performer

Rick Avery...stunt performer

Lee Bagley...stunt performer

Dean Bailey...stunts

Donny Bailey...stunt driver

David Barckhoff...stunt performer

Nitasha Bhambree...stunts

Sibi Blazic...stunts (as Sibi Bale)

Richard Bradshaw...stunt performer

Jon Braver...stunts: mercenary

Nathan Brimmer...stunt performer

Dan Brown...stunt double: Gary Oldman / stunt double: Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Jill Brown...stunts

Tim Buchanan...stunt performer

Richard Bucher...stunts

David Anthony Buglione...stunt performer

Brian Burik...stunts

Scott Burik...stunts

Jared Burke...stunts

Mike Burke...stunt driver

Nellie Burroughes...stunt performer

Andy Butcher...stunt performer

Kevin Caira...stunt performer

Nicole Callender...stunts

Kevin Cassidy...stunts

David Castillo...stunt double: Tom Hardy: motorcycle / stunts

Chris Cenatiempo...stunts

Alex Chansky...stunts

Xavier Clarke...stunt driver

Jonathan Cohen...stunt performer

Chase Coleman...stunt performer

Doug Coleman...stunt performer

Eliza Coleman...stunt performer

Whitney Coleman...stunt performer

Ben Collins...stunt driver

George Cottle...assistant stunt coordinator

Brycen Counts...stunt performer

James Cox...stunt performer

David Cronnelly...stunt rigger / stunts

Pamela Croydon...stunt performer / precision driver

Tobiasz Daszkiewicz...stunts

Steve DeCastro...stunt performer

Kevin Derr...stunts

Kyle DesChamps...stunt performer

Holland Diaz...stunts

Ben Dimmock...stunts

Levan Doran...stunt performer

Patrick Dunn-Baker...stunt double: Mercenary

Sam Durrani...stunts (stunts)

Mark Robert Ellis...stunts

James Embree...stunt performer

Rick English...stunt performer

Dan Euston...stunt performer

Bradley Farmer...stunt performer

Eddie J. Fernandez...stunt performer

Mark Fichera...stunt performer

Marie Fink...stunts

Neil Finnighan...stunts

Joe Fishel...stunt performer

Jim Fitzgerald...stunt performer

Kevin Frame...precision driver

Aja Frary...stunt performer

Aldonio Danny Frietas...stunt performer (as Aldonio Danny Freitas)

Jeremy Fry...stunt performer / stunts

Edward Gabree...stunts

David Garrick...stunts

Shane Geraghty...stunts

David Gere...stunts

Nic Goodey...stunts

Jean-Pierre Goy...stunts

Allan Graf...stunt driver / stunt performer

Charles Grisham...stunt performer

Roberto Gutierrez...stunt performer

Dante Ha...stunts (as W. Dante Ha)

Trevor Habberstad...stunts

Chris Haemmerle...stunt performer

Bobby Holland Hanton...stunt double: Batman

Riley Harper...stunt performer

Regis Harrington...stunt performer

Bryan Harris...precision driver (as Victor Harris)

Greg Harris...utility stunts

Adam Hart...stunt driver / stunt performer

Greg Harvey...stunts

Robert Lee Harvey...stunts

Scott M. Helgert...stunt performer (as Scott Helgert)

Donald John Hewitt...stunt performer

Dan Hirst...stunt performer

Sy Hollands...stunt coordinator

Gary Hoptrough...stunts

Adam Horton...stunt performer

Paul Howell...utility stunts

Steve Hubbard...stunt performer

Michael Hugghins...stunt performer

John W. Iwanonkiw...stunt performer

Stephen Izzi...stunt performer

Terry Jackson...stunts

Stewart James...stunts (as Tidd James)

Rob Jarman...stunts

Ruth Jenkins...stunts

Brett A. Jones...stunt performer

Dave Judge...stunt rigger

Antal Kalik...stunt performer

Luke Kearney...stunt performer

Mindy Kelly...stunt performer

Paul Kennington...stunt performer

Jess King...stunts

Michael Kingsbaker...stunt performer (as Mike Kingsbaker)

Pete Klein...stunts

Cristian Knight...stunt performer

Jason Kolowski...stunts

Paul Kulik...stunt performer

Efka Kvaraciejus...stunt performer

Nito Larioza...stunt performer

Tony Lazzara...stunt performer

Danny Le Boyer...stunts

Ed Lee...stunt equipment wrangler

Malosi Leonard...stunts

Julian Lightwing...stunt performer

Mark Lisbon...stunts

Guy List...stunts

Scott Lockhart...stunts

Paul Lowe...stunt performer

Tom Lowell...stunts

Tony Lucken...stunts

Holly Lumsden...stunts

Kevin Lyons...stunt rigger

Brian Machleit...stunts

Samantha MacIvor...stunts

Luis Anthony Maldonado...stunt performer

Raymond Mamrak...stunts

Emil Martirossian...stunts

Ed McDermott II...precision driver coordinator / precision driving

Adrian McGaw...stunt double / stunt performer

Ian Mclaughlin...stunts

Erol Mehmet...stunt performer

Andy Merchant...stunts

John Merolla...stunt performer

Casey Michaels...stunt performer

Tim Mikulecky...stunts

Peter Miles...stunts

Rick Miller...stunt performer

Lee Millham...stunt performer

James Mitchell-Clyde...stunt performer

Anthony Molinari...stunt performer

Marco Morales...stunts: mercenary

Damien Moreno...stunts

Sean Morrissey...stunt rigger

Sean Mulcahy...stunts

Rory Mulroe...stunt performer

Declan Mulvey...stunts

Courtney Munch...stunts

Robert Nagle...stunt driver

John Nania...stunt performer

Chris Newton...stunt performer

David Newton...stunt double: Burn Gorman

Jim Ng...stunt performer

Ray Nicholas...stunts

Adrian O'Neil...stunts

Carrick O'Quinn...utility stunts

Lin Oeding...stunts

Tom Ohmer...precision driver

Allan Padelford...stunt driver

Victor Paguia...stunt performer

Chris Palermo...stunts

Jim Palmer...stunts

Steven P. Park...stunts

Garry Pastore...utility stunts

Naomi Peters...stunts

James Peyton...precision driver

Andrew L Phillips...stunt actor

Christopher Place...stunts

Thomas Place...stunts

David Michael Plowman...stunt performer

Chris Pollard...stunt double: CIA Agent / stunt performer

Johnny Rawlings...stunt performer

Mark Rayner...stunts

Rex Reddick...stunts

Buster Reeves...fight arranger / stunt double: Tom Hardy

Darryl Reeves...stunts

Kevin Reid...stunts

Simon Rhee...stunts

Scotty Richards...precision driving coordinator (as Scott Richards)

Steve Rizzo...stunt performer

Scott C. Roe...precision driver

Kevin Rogers...stunts

Pat Romano...stunt driver

David Ruffell...stunts

Tracey Ruggiero...stunt performer

Steve Rummenie...stunts

Stephen Rutherford...stunt performer

Tim Sabatino...stunt driver

Stephen W. Schriver...stunt performer (as Steve Schriver)

Marc Scizak...stunt performer

Paul Anthony Scott...stunts

Steve Scott...stunt medic

William Scully...stunts

Mike Seal...stunts

Gordon Seed...stunts

Chris stunts

Joseph stunts

Jeff Shannon...stunt performer

Diz Sharpe...head stunt rigger / stunt performer

Lee Sheward...stunts

David Shumbris...stunts

Ray Siegle...stunt man

Philip J Silvera...stunt double: Josh Stewart / stunt performer

Manny Siverio...stunt performer

Paul Sklar...stunt performer

Mam Smith...stunts

Brian Smyj...stunts

Kevin Sorensen...stunts

Mark Southworth...stunts

Peter Stader...stunts

Matthew R. Staley...stunt performer

Daniel Stevens...stunt performer

Shane Steyn...stunt performer

John Street...stunt driver / stunt performer

Tino Struckmann...stunt driver

Tom Struthers...stunt coordinator

Melissa R. Stubbs...stunts

Mens-Sana Tamakloe...stunt performer / stunts

Roy Taylor...stunt performer

Todd Rogers Terry...stunt performer

Alex Terzieff...stunt performer

Shawnna Thibodeau...stunt performer

Trampas Thompson...stunts

Sam Trimming...stunt rigger

Madison Turner...utility stunts

Tony Van Silva...stunts

Jolene Van Vugt...Batpod Double: Anne Hathaway / utility stunts

Pablo Verdejo...stunts

Aaron Vexler...stunts

Caroline Vexler...stunts (as Caroline Leppanen)

Philippe Vonlanthen...stunt performer

Mark Aaron Wagner...stunt performer

Calvin Warrington-Heasman...stunt performer

Reg Wayment...aerial stunts

Chrissy Weathersby Ball...stunt performer

Webster P. Whinery Jr....utility stunts

Maxine Whittaker...stunts

Alistair Whitton...stunt performer

Simon Whyman...stunt performer

Jim Wilkey...stunt driver

Joe Nin Williams...stunts (as Joe Williams)

Kenny Wong...stunts

Leo Woodruff...stunt performer

Harry Wowchuk...stunts

Chad Wright...stunt performer

Lewis Young...stunts

Marcus Young...stunt performer

Randall Armstrong...stunt fighter (uncredited)

Joe Barlam...stunt performer (uncredited)

Brendan Boyce...stunts (uncredited)

Timothy Butts...stunt player (uncredited)

RJ Casey...utility stunts (uncredited)

Scott Churchson...stunts (uncredited)

Matt Cipro...stunts (uncredited)

Jedidiah Dore...stunt performer (uncredited)

Chris Dyer...utility stunts (uncredited)

David Emerson...stunts (uncredited)

Chad Knorr...precision driver (uncredited)

Jason Menz...stunts (uncredited)

Earl Rorer...stunt performer (uncredited)

Robert Rusin...stunt performer (uncredited)

Kevin Tanski...stunts (uncredited)

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